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The IMPACT of Sharing a Meal...

The IMPACT of Sharing a Meal... Back in May, Turn the Page Uganda hosted a meal of Ugandan food for some in our community. We shared chapati, rolex (rolled eggs), samosas, chicken skewers, fruits common in Uganda- watermelon, pineapple, jackfruit, mango, wine and Ugandan iced tea. People came together at Eling's Park to hear our story of schools desperate for textbooks in a region often forgotten by the rest of the world. They viewed photos and talked with board members who shared personal stories about the needs of students and teachers who live in abject poverty. And they responded from their hearts to give us the means to meet some of those needs. Over the next two months, textbooks chosen by the teachers of 33 schools were gathered up, packaged into boxes, sent by bus up to Arua, Uganda, then transported by van by the Rotary Club of Arua. It took four separate trips to reach these remote schools on very bumpy, muddy roads. In fact the van broke down not once, but twice! Sinc

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